Our course list spans across the full spectrum of workplace compliance, safety and relevant business and professional development topics.

♣ Minimum compliance standards

♦Legal obligation


  • NES and minimum employment entitlements (Part 1) | Manager ♣
  • NES and minimum employment entitlements (Part 2) | Manager ♣
  • Award classifications | Manager ♣
  • Wage compliance | Manager ♣

People management

  • Termination without tears | Manager
  • Performance management for success | Manager
  • Australian privacy principals in the workplace | Manager ♣
  • Discrimination and equal opportunity – a guide for employers | Manager
  • Discrimination and equal opportunity – a guide for employees | Employee ♣
  • A manager’s guide to handling grievances | Manager
  • Disciplinary process (Part 1) | Manager
  • Managing disciplinary review processes (Part 2) | Manager
  • Effective absence management | Manager
  • HR essentials (Part 1) | Manager
  • HR essentials (Part 2) | Manager
  • Managing difficult employees in the workplace | Manager
  • Management workplace restructure and redundancy | Manager


  • Introduction to appropriate workplace behaviour | Employee ♦
  • Prohibiting sexual harassment in the workplace | Employee ♦
  • Positive duty to eliminate sex discrimination | Employee ♦
  • Hostile work environments | Employee ♦
  • Reducing the risk of sexual harassment | Employee ♦
  • Preventing workplace bullying | Employee ♦
  • Understanding the impact of sexual harassment and bullying | Employee ♦


Bullying and harassment

  • Bullying and harassment in the workplace – a guide for employees | Employee
  • Bullying and harassment in the workplace – a guide for employers | Employer

Workplace Health & Safety

  • Safety awareness and creating a safety culture | Manager ♦
  • WHS for managers and supervisors | Manager ♦
  • WHS for officers | Officer ♦

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